Advanced Healing makes scheduled weekly visits to each participating facility for treating new and established wound residents. The weekly visit is meant to supplement, not replace, the daily wound care provided by the nursing home. Complete documentation, measurements, bedside debridement (if necessary), and product usage education is included. This potentially eliminates the need for costly transportation to wound care centers or hospital visits.
Following each visit, Advanced Healing will provide the facility with follow-up care recommendations for each wound for the coming week. Whenever possible, these recommendations will take into consideration the dressings and supplies available in the nursing home’s formulary.
Advanced Healing handles all patient registration and billing for services rendered. The facility is never billed for services provided to its residents!
Sharp debridement at bedside is an option...but it won't be the first option. Autolytic debridement from a dynamic choice of advanced wound care dressing selections frequently proves effective. This statement is what sets us apart from everyone else claiming to be a wound provider.
In addition, Advanced Healing can provide education to your staff on wound topics such as documentation, survey readiness, assessment and measuring, and wound identification. These sessions are personally tailored to the specific educational needs of the facility and are an added bonus to the weekly services provided.